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IAS 33: Earning per Share
This IAS contains amendments resulting from the adoption of Commission Regulations (EC) No. 2236/2004 of 29 December 2004.
1. The objective of this Standard is to prescribe principles for the determination and presentation of earnings per share, so as to improve performance comparisons between different entities in the same reporting period and between different reporting periods for the same entity. Even though earnings per share data have limitations because of the different accounting policies that may be used for determining ‘earnings’, a consistently determined denominator enhances financial reporting. The focus of this Standard is on the denominator of the earnings per share calculation.
2. This Standard shall be applied by entities whose ordinary shares or potential ordinary shares are publicly traded and by entities that are in the process of issuing ordinary shares or potential ordinary shares in public markets.
3. An entity that discloses earnings per share shall calculate and disclose earnings per share in accordance with this Standard.
4. When an entity presents both consolidated financial statements and separate financial statements prepared in accordance with IAS 27 Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements, the disclosures required by this Standard need be presented only on the basis of the consolidated information. An entity that chooses to disclose earnings per share based on its separate financial statements shall present such earnings per share information only on the face of its separate income statement. An entity shall not present such earnings per share information in the consolidated financial statements.