Nội dung mới nhất bởi genieee

  1. G

    Xin Code tính tổng theo hàng

    To automate the calculation of end dates based on start dates and the number of implementation days in Excel without using functions, you can utilize a simple VBA code. By implementing this code, you'll be able to automatically generate end dates by adding the number of days to the corresponding...
  2. G

    Các thuật ngữ kinh tế thường dùng (I-O)

    Your dedication and enthusiasm for delving into the world of economics is truly inspiring! It's fantastic to see you actively seeking knowledge about essential economic terms like inflation, IPO, insider trading, and institutional investor in monopolygo . By understanding these concepts, you...
  3. G

    Thanh lý tài sản cố định

    I understand that your company recently purchased an sewing machine, which is considered a fixed asset, but has not yet used it. However, you have received instructions from your Director to urgently liquidate this asset. In this situation, the best solution would be to try to understand the...