Everybody helps me,
Translation into Vietmamese sentences:
2. Has company attended any previous food safety training?
3. Type of training
4. Date of training
5. Is the production area clean and fully enclosed?
6. No evidence of pest harbourage areas?
1.Is the production area clean and fully enclosed?
2.No evidence of pest harbourage areas?
3.Are there adequate hand washing facilities?
4.Are storage areas clean?
5.Are coolroom temperatures appropriate and monitored?
6.Is there a cleaning program, and is it effective?
7.Is there any chance of cross contamination?
8.Are chemicals stored away from product?
9.Are delivery vehicles clean and at correct temperature?
10.Is there a pest control program?
11.Are lights above product covered?
12.Are hygiene practices appropriate? (no smoking, no eating in food handling areas, clean clothing etc)
13.Are visitors expected to follow company hygiene policies?
14.Are amenities clean?
15.Does the company have product specifications?
16.Is the quality of the product appropriate?
17.Is the product labelled correctly?
18.Does the company conduct product testing? Request results – will need to receive yearly.
Please help me, Thank you so much to you,
Translation into Vietmamese sentences:
2. Has company attended any previous food safety training?
3. Type of training
4. Date of training
5. Is the production area clean and fully enclosed?
6. No evidence of pest harbourage areas?
1.Is the production area clean and fully enclosed?
2.No evidence of pest harbourage areas?
3.Are there adequate hand washing facilities?
4.Are storage areas clean?
5.Are coolroom temperatures appropriate and monitored?
6.Is there a cleaning program, and is it effective?
7.Is there any chance of cross contamination?
8.Are chemicals stored away from product?
9.Are delivery vehicles clean and at correct temperature?
10.Is there a pest control program?
11.Are lights above product covered?
12.Are hygiene practices appropriate? (no smoking, no eating in food handling areas, clean clothing etc)
13.Are visitors expected to follow company hygiene policies?
14.Are amenities clean?
15.Does the company have product specifications?
16.Is the quality of the product appropriate?
17.Is the product labelled correctly?
18.Does the company conduct product testing? Request results – will need to receive yearly.
Please help me, Thank you so much to you,