I Want To Talk With Him That I Love Him.but I Can't.
BẢO ĐỨC nói:我喜欢使用另一种语言和健保?
वियतनाम मो एक Di डा Phat, आपदा
Nam mô a di đà phật
Chít, U'better not give this information to people because keep a gun is breach of law, the Goverment can attack u immediately. Amen!hiI have a "long gun"![]()
Hihi, really? Um, Are u finding a... bồ nhí phải không nhỉ? hihi.He is so bad. Why did he quarrel with his girlfriend?
If I am him, I never do like this.
Sie wissen nicht, wer ist einer Fremdsprache![]()
천재는 하늘과 땅의 ㅅ ㅅ![]()
He said that he have been pray of peace for suol dead
Translate : Bao duc very love phuonganh
I hope that you can become a good cooking
Chít, U'better not give this information to people because keep a gun is breach of law
the Goverment can attack u immediately.
Hihi, really? Um, Are u finding a... bồ nhí phải không nhỉ? hihi.
Translate : Bảo Đức + Namtuoc=Dragon+vansi
Cun said that Bao duc la a bad person, matuoc anhd drandon,vansi are better than