Daily Diary

Ðề: Daily Diary

something is difficult to say...my feeling is not good now... unluckily...yesterday morning - the first day morning of the week my boss said something made me sad...and this morning...my computer has failed..I don't know when I can open it, one of my colleage said that this afternoon he would help me, I'm really afraid because it's a dangerous mistake, I don't know if he can mend it...so much important datas, especially tax datas, in the computer....and my mobile phone has some problems, maybe it's impossible to use it anymore...so sad....I want to cry........life.......hope that everything will be better...anyway, what matter happens, please try, myself...I know you can......
Ðề: Daily Diary

something is difficult to say...my feeling is not good now... unluckily...yesterday morning - the first day morning of the week my boss said something made me sad...and this morning...my computer has failed..I don't know when I can open it, one of my colleage said that this afternoon he would help me, I'm really afraid because it's a dangerous mistake, I don't know if he can mend it...so much important datas, especially tax datas, in the computer....and my mobile phone has some problems, maybe it's impossible to use it anymore...so sad....I want to cry........life.......hope that everything will be better...anyway, what matter happens, please try, myself...I know you can......
everything will be fine with you, you must relax and resolve one by one. It is simple, isnt it?
And the most important point you are confident, optimistic yourself. Keep fighting
best wish for you
Ðề: Daily Diary

something is difficult to say...my feeling is not good now... unluckily...yesterday morning - the first day morning of the week my boss said something made me sad...and this morning...my computer has failed..I don't know when I can open it, one of my colleage said that this afternoon he would help me, I'm really afraid because it's a dangerous mistake, I don't know if he can mend it...so much important datas, especially tax datas, in the computer....and my mobile phone has some problems, maybe it's impossible to use it anymore...so sad....I want to cry........life.......hope that everything will be better...anyway, what matter happens, please try, myself...I know you can......

Sometime the life is not like your expect so try to pass. You shoud think that is normal in the life and they will help you matural. Try your best. Nothing is impossible.

You are not lonely. Having many people care you. You are not sad.

Good luck to you.
Ðề: Daily Diary

everything will be fine with you, you must relax and resolve one by one. It is simple, isnt it?
And the most important point you are confident, optimistic yourself. Keep fighting
best wish for you

thank you so much! A life without difficulties is too boring…trouble is a friend, right?^^...thank to them, we can become better…thanks again, wish you a happy evening! :)

---------- Post added at 05:59 ---------- Previous post was at 05:54 ----------

Sometime the life is not like your expect so try to pass. You shoud think that is normal in the life and they will help you matural. Try your best. Nothing is impossible.

You are not lonely. Having many people care you. You are not sad.

Good luck to you.

thanks so much for your encouragement!^^..I'm feel better now…sometimes it's very difficult to us, but if we try and believe, we'll overcome all, right my sister? :)...hope that everything is nice with all of us..wish you a wonderful evening…:)

---------- Post added at 06:00 ---------- Previous post was at 05:59 ----------

who create this theme is very cute girl :tinhtuong:

you have a new avatar?..hi..so interesting!^^..I like your avatar much :)..cute, lovely and naughty :)

nice time...
Ðề: Daily Diary

Toàn anh chị pro tiếng anh. Hihi. làm em muốn phun tiếng việt quá. sorry mng nhá ^^
Ðề: Daily Diary

Blue! Its sorry that lots of problems happened with you? Hope that they are repaired soon !
Sometimes i feel that after passing a difficult problem in life, i see the life is more meaningful and worth to making effort more. Do you think so?
Looking forward to listening your good informations, my friend !!

thank you, my friend! ^^..yeah, I think so…after rains,it's sunshine, right? :) anyway, we should always see life in optimistic way :)..after trouble is happiness if we believe and try..:)

you know, now it's in autumn, the weather is so beautiful..I love this air so much..very cool, pure and it gives me peaceful feeling^^..so great! and all of you, do you like autumn? please share :)
Ðề: Daily Diary

the weather is really cool. Let go out with your friends, your love when you finish your work immediately. that is true life.
Ðề: Daily Diary

You are funny! Keep calm and come on! We will exert all our strength together, i believe that our E ability will be more and more improved. The most important thing is our patience. I see you are hard working member. you are sure being better soon...We try to carry out our long aim together!!!!
hihi. I know that. I am not really keep calm. Hihi. Because Vietnamese is Mother tongue. So... you see... Hihi. You're right. We should try best.
Have a nice day. Today is a beatiful day. I see the wheather is moving... I love that atmosphere

---------- Post added at 01:18 ---------- Previous post was at 12:44 ----------

Everybody! Could I have your facebook? I want to see you - my sister, my brother and my friend ^^. Ok?
Ðề: Daily Diary

A nice autumn afternoon with beautiful sunshine and light wind....:)...lovely life....it's great if there is a love melody here...2a.m and the rain is falling..here we are..at the crossroad once again..this song is sad..but I like it :)

dear I love my family, I haven't got facebook..what a pity!^^..and what is your facebook? (^.^)
Ðề: Daily Diary

A nice autumn afternoon with beautiful sunshine and light wind....:)...lovely life....it's great if there is a love melody here...2a.m and the rain is falling..here we are..at the crossroad once again..this song is sad..but I like it :)

dear I love my family, I haven't got facebook..what a pity!^^..and what is your facebook? (^.^)
Only love? I love this song, too. You haven't got facebook ! So sad
Ðề: Daily Diary

Yes, blue ! autumn is wonderful ! Passing summer's hot days, we seem being refreshed by autumn 's cool winds. Every morning when you get up, you can breathe deeply in pure and comfortable atmosphere. I think its useful to our health.
Moreover autumn is suitable for couples to go for awalk, specially under moon light ..^^..its extremely romantic. I hace had much memmories with my husband about autumn (^-')...I hope all of you will have a sweet autumn with your darling !!!
That's all my feelings... Your sincerely !

thank you for your sharing...so emotional..and..romantic...yeah, autumn is the best season in a year...because its weather is very nice...so love and something like that are often presented in autumn....so sweet......

hope all of you share more about autumn and your memories about this lovely season...I also have had much memorable experience of my best season^^....now let's start a new working and learning day...try best! and goodluck for all! :)
Ðề: Daily Diary

today is a special day. I woke up at 6:00 am, went to the air market and had breakfast, I also prepared my lunch by myself and brought to my company. :D, I made many my colleagues surprise. They said that today it will heavy rain. oh my god, i dont discrible my feel. so happy. :D

have nice day. hope coming to weekend soon


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