Tuyển Chief Accountant (French Language)

Chào mọi người,

Hiện tại bên công ty mình đang cung cấp dịch vụ tuyển dụng cho các công ty hàng đầu tại việt nam. Trong đó có công ty đang tuyển vị trí này với yêu cầu như sau.

Main Responsibilities:
- Manage, check and control daily assigned tasks to Accounting staffs
- Plan, manage and check to ensure accounting entries reflect accurate reports
- Analyze and estimate the similarity for the following Accounting reports (forecast, History and Actual.)
- Cash management and cash flow forecasting including vendor scheduling, cash balances, and weekly cash reporting
- Plan, manage, submit and present the accounting /financial reports to the management customs and tax authority within the specific deadline
- To liaise on the day to day business with the Company bankers, auditors, tax agents, consultant when finance issues involves, local authorities, partners, etc.
- To prepare any other financial reports that may be required by Vice Director in liaising with proper authorities all tax and accounting inquiries that may need professional advices
- Work with financial controller to prepare annual budget, monthly financial statement (IAS and VAS) and variance analysis reports for audit purposes and assess business/ project / financial and tax issues.

- Language skills: fluently in French, intermediate in English
- Peachtree (or foreign accounting software) is required
- University graduated, major in Finance/Accounting
- Chief Accountant Certificate
- At least 3 years experience at the same position

Mọi người điền form và đính kèm hồ sơ theo link Anh Duong Talents (đưa email dễ bị spam, mọi người thông cảm)

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Liên hệ: 090.6969.247


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Liên hệ: 090.6969.247
