Today, I want to tell to you stories about some words:
1) Do you know Robinhood? He is the famous person who robbed by the rich for the poor lọng long ago in UK. Do you know meaning of his name?
His real name is Robin. The story began by his habits. He always wears a hood.
So people call him: " Robin in the hood" = Robinhood .
2) Second i give you " Forest"
Long long ago, area of trees were called "wood" today we call that "forest".
This story began by the story of Robinhood. At that time the King was very ruthless and people like to go with Robin to the wood. At there, they can relax and take a rest. So they call wood is " The place for rest". And "wood" meant "forest".
3) I want to give you the "LOVE". But I don't know " Do you like this topic?"
So if you like I will tell you the story nẽt time. It's a beatiful story. See you soon.

1) Do you know Robinhood? He is the famous person who robbed by the rich for the poor lọng long ago in UK. Do you know meaning of his name?
His real name is Robin. The story began by his habits. He always wears a hood.
So people call him: " Robin in the hood" = Robinhood .
2) Second i give you " Forest"
Long long ago, area of trees were called "wood" today we call that "forest".
This story began by the story of Robinhood. At that time the King was very ruthless and people like to go with Robin to the wood. At there, they can relax and take a rest. So they call wood is " The place for rest". And "wood" meant "forest".
3) I want to give you the "LOVE". But I don't know " Do you like this topic?"
So if you like I will tell you the story nẽt time. It's a beatiful story. See you soon.